Someone who would want to live in a world where your skin color, sexual orientation, gender, religious beliefs, and wealth doesn’t define you. A world where everyone is accepted for who they are, where I can be myself and have my family accept who I am and love me regardless […]
Imagine how free we would be if we could all be unabashedly ourselves. I imagine a wold where I could dance between the concepts of masculinity and femininity without fear of being harassed. I could show my gender expression and sexuality in whatever way I please without feeling the imaginary […]
The ability to create without fear, without the nagging feeling that your story is not one of the ones that people want to hear. __ Kelly Weng is a a game developer and writer from Los Angeles, CA & Smith College 18′ alum who makes interactive narrative games focusing on empathy […]
Without those to hold you there is no freedom to dream. This became evidence of her care and her call to imagine life in a strange body again. Immigrant dreams with Caribbean textures. Look how they gather to freedom and holding each other. Look at how she and the smallest […]
I dream of freedom as ambition, as the continuation of social movements that eradicate oppressive power structures inhibiting minorities and perpetuating social stigmas. Freedom is the idea that marginalized people can truly live and reveal ourselves without feeling ashamed and being attacked or instructed by white supremacy. It’s the power […]
One day setting aside everyone’s differences and being able to come together to talk about solutions for the inevitable problems we face as a global community.