Yearly Archives: 2019
Able to have my ground in the America. To pursue a higher education and become a professional in the field of Business and Accounting. Opportunity for people who did not get a chance to live up for themselves. To explore and breath in nature that God given to us.
My dream of freedom is a blurry one. I have tried to imagine a world without injustices, be they based on gender, economy, ability, race, skin tone, religion… I come up blank. There are no parts of my life that have gone untouched by inequity in some degree. How would […]
I’ve experienced abuse throughout my childhood that felt at times impossible to overcome. Thanks to the understanding and empathy of my husband and daughter, I’ve been able to allow my spirit to feel free. Freedom is radical empathy. It is the jet fuel for freedom on every possible level. Societal […]
I dream of freedom as a world where boundaries no longer exist. A world where borders no longer separate my family. A world where I don’t have to think of myself as being from here or there because I am from everywhere. Last year, I made a piece that encourages […]
Freedom to me is not living in a world of stereotypes. My siblings and I are white hispanics but we appear more Hispanic. Recently we went to the movies and my brother accidentally sat in the wrong seat. An older white man approached us because that was his seat, but […]
I imagine freedom as being able to stay in one’s home, community, country without living under the threat of violence. I dream of a future where neighborhoods are not war zones, where young people are not killing each other over turf, for respect and in retaliation. A future where children […]
The brightest future I can imagine is one where the institutions in place do not hinder the successes, growth, or progression of marginalized groups of people. I imagine opportunities for all people to fulfill their dreams and desires, resources for them to achieve these goals, and support systems to encourage […]
Representation of fat people in the media. Its important to represent fat people as just people living their lives. Whenever you see a narrative surrounded around a fat person the focus is about them trying to lose weight or their struggles with body image. Showcasing a fat person just living, […]
I dream of freedom as a world where addiction did not destroy lives, where children did not go hungry, where every child has an opportunity for education. She was five years old, and her mother thought it was funny to get her drunk for company because it was entertaining. She […]
Someone who would want to live in a world where your skin color, sexual orientation, gender, religious beliefs, and wealth doesn’t define you. A world where everyone is accepted for who they are, where I can be myself and have my family accept who I am and love me regardless […]
being able to express culture and religion without being labeled and stigmatized by our toxic society. coming together and supporting & embracing our backgrounds.
Imagine how free we would be if we could all be unabashedly ourselves. I imagine a wold where I could dance between the concepts of masculinity and femininity without fear of being harassed. I could show my gender expression and sexuality in whatever way I please without feeling the imaginary […]
The ability to create without fear, without the nagging feeling that your story is not one of the ones that people want to hear. __ Kelly Weng is a a game developer and writer from Los Angeles, CA & Smith College 18′ alum who makes interactive narrative games focusing on empathy […]