
I’ve experienced abuse throughout my childhood that felt at times impossible to overcome. Thanks to the understanding and empathy of my husband and daughter, I’ve been able to allow my spirit to feel free. Freedom is radical empathy. It is the jet fuel for freedom on every possible level. Societal feelings and cycles of becoming trapped, unheard, marginalized can start to be helped through the action of empathy we can practice to one another.

I can imagine freedom, but lose touch with the feeling without the sense of a society that carries the hope of seeing one another, as equals. Those who learn to practice empathy are so brave. The vulnerability required to uplift another is a true strength which I’ve only come to recognize through the love and understanding of those around me who have accepted and nurtured me through my past. Thanks to my daughter, my Ray of sunshine, I’ve been able to experience freedom – a life blossoming outside of my own childhood trauma. Never could I have imagined back then, that it could take a child so filled with light and love that would be my access to freedom. Empathy is the #1 resource to tap to all Freedom. I aspire to pass these notions on, so that no soul should limit their imagination under the heels of oppressive forces. So that every child can find their magical selves.

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