
I imagine freedom as the ability to access all forms of expression without limits. Freedom means allowing ourselves to be bold, courageous, creative, and kind without the fear of judgment or prejudice. The brightest future I can imagine is one where the images we see on screen reflect who we see around us. Where we can see ourselves and never question if we are worthy of having our story told. Where “diversity”, “inclusion”, and “representation” aren’t just buzz words but actual sustainable practices put into place in every corner of our society. One where arts education is held with the same respect as STEM fields and every child has access to it. I dream of freedom as being able to pursue my artistic passions full time, because the arts are a viable choice. To do work I care about without worrying if I will be taken seriously because of my ethnicity, gender, or age. Even more importantly, I see a future where we don’t have to give up our creativity, imagination, or our sense of wonder in order to survive.

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